Profil appartenant à jaewon Yeo

Playstation x CDplayer

PlayStation 19.09


When we play a game on Playstation, we generally play multiple games. By the way, whenever we want to change game, we have to insert another CD, wait for loading.  We also have to keep game CD in its case, and sometimes we even forget about putting CDs in the console.​​​​​​​

By combining CD player and Playstation, I designed the console that you can change CD like changing track in the playlist and you don’t need to put CDs into cases.
It has differnt appearance from typical Playstation; it is more angular to be shown like a CD player and I wanted to express its analog sensibility.
Unlike the usual method, when you insert CD, the hidden speaker comes out to make sound out of the main body.
Its back has simple design to make it easy to change HDD.
 It is designed to keep dust out of the console while you are changing CD.

+82 10- 8388-6276

Playstation x CDplayer
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Playstation x CDplayer

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