Profiel van Alex Hern

Lockheed Invests in Extended Reality for Manufacturing

Alex Hern is an established presence in the San Diego tech sphere who leads Tsunami XR, Inc., where he drives innovative extended reality (XR) videoconferencing and spatial collaboration solutions. Focused on emerging trends, Alex Hern regularly attends the Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit (EWTS).

As reported in Forbes, one major take-home from the last EWTS in Dallas was that large corporations are overtaking small enterprises when it comes to adoption of XR technologies. One example is Lockheed, which has an internal team that has overseen more than two dozen XR implementations.

As described by a Lockheed executive, a key to successful XR projects is selecting those with measurable metrics. An example of this is on the production floor of the Orion space vehicle, which has 7,000 cable harness fasteners that each need to be placed with accuracy of half an inch.

Prior to implementing XR shop aids, this labor-intensive process required eight shifts. With a new XR system in place, this has been reduced to only 6 hours, which represents a 93 percent cost reduction. It is these type of efficiency boosts that Tsunami XR’s next-generation approaches are enabling.
Lockheed Invests in Extended Reality for Manufacturing

Lockheed Invests in Extended Reality for Manufacturing
