Onemin - Hand washing bowl

The Onemin is a hand washing bowl, which works based on the principle of hand washing, this includes washing and drying the hand. It works independently from the bathroom, it can be used anywhere in homes if a nearby water tap is available. The device includes a module, which allows it to be used on walls or tables.

The system requires one liter of water during it’s usage. The device includes a water filter that helps to purify the water and it also circulates it for 60 seconds during the hand washing process. This 60 second  time period is required for a  proper hand wash. The panel in the middle of the bowl shows the time left, and it also contains the infrared heater, which works from the start of the washing procedure to it’s end. This makes the water temperature eligible and it can also dry the hands.

With the right hand washing method people can avoid bacterial infections and dangerous germs. One minute is enough for a careful hand wash, but most people don’t pay attention for this. Onemin can’t guarantee a 100% clean hand but it is not always an issue because some germs can be useful for the immune system.
This device offers an alternative way for proper hand wash everywhere around homes or flats. The user don’t have to use the bathroom or the kitchen sink, they can use it right after they arrive home.



Future hand washing bowl
