Oleksii Chekal's profile

Calligraphy for "The Art of Language" by Lonely Planet

Calligraphy for the book "The Art of Language" by Lonely Planet (London)
Calligrapher: Oleksiy Chekal
Book designer and manager: Tina Garcia
My calligraphy for Syriac, Georgian and Slavic writing.
Каліграфічні прописи для сирійської, грузинської та слов'янської писемності на запрошення англійського видавництва Lonely Planet.

Work on syriaс (Syro-Aramaic) calligraphy for  the book "The Art of Language". 
Сalligraphy styles: Maḏnḥāyā и Serṭā. 

"He who travels much is wiser than he who lives to a great age"
Той, хто багато подорожує, мудріше того, хто дожив до похилого віку.
Georgian calligraphy for the book "The Art of Language". 
The quote of the Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli. 
«What you give out is yours, what you do not [give out] is lost» 
რასაცა გასცემ, შენია, რაც არა დაკარგულია! 
[расаца гасцем, шения, рац ара, дакаргулиа] 
«Що ти віддаси — твоє, що залишиш — то втрачено»
Шота Руставелі. 
Cyrillic calligraphy for the book "The Art of Language" (Lonely Planet). 
Here are collected letters from Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, Serbian alphabets, as well as non-Cyrillic languages such as Abkhaz and Avar languages

«The alphabet: the first step to wisdom» 
 «Абетка — перший крок до мудрості»
The first copies of the book "The Art of Language" (Lonely Planet) 
in the book store Foyles (London)
From Arabic and Japanese to Hebrew, Javanese and Cherokee, 
explore 26 unique scripts and alphabets with Lonely Planet – and learn to write local proverbs with our calligraphy tutorials.
For each script you’ll discover its history and roots, how and where it flourished, and gain insight into other people, places, cultures and traditions throughout the world. We’ll then tell you how to use the script and the easiest handwriting techniques 
to make it look authentic.
Accompanying each script is local proverb and a calligraphy tutorial with a blank page so you can easily recreate the sentence in your own hand.
Calligraphy for "The Art of Language" by Lonely Planet

Calligraphy for "The Art of Language" by Lonely Planet

Calligraphy for the book "The Art of Language" by Lonely Planet (London). Syriac calligraphy, Georgian calligraphy, and Slavic calligraphy.
