Juan Hernaz's profile

Invisible (illustrated book)


Una historia de atmósfera oscura y opresiva, que transita entre la angustia y el terror psicológico, caminando sobre la fina línea que separa lo visible de lo invisible. Una visión sobre los afectos y desafectos que unen a Enol, el protagonista adolescente, con su mentor intelectual, un ser extraño y asocial cercano a la psicopatía de Norman Bates.

Esta novela fue galardonada con el XI Premiu María Josefa Canellada del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias en 2019. Publicado por Ediciones Saltadera.


A tale that transits between anguish and psychological terror, dark and oppressive atmosphere, walking on the fine line that separates the visible from the invisible. A vision of affections and disaffections between Enol, the teenage protagonist, and his intellectual mentor, a strange and asocial being who is close to the psychopathy of Norman Bates.

This novel was awarded with the XI Premiu María Josefa Canellada of the Government of the Principality of Asturias in 2019. Published by Saltadera Editions.
Invisible (illustrated book)


Invisible (illustrated book)

INVISIBLE is a book that transits between anguish and psychological terror, walking on the fine line that separates the visible from the invisibl Read More
