Perfil de Ana Lovinčić

Ropeway Sljeme_Zagreb_Croatia

Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia
The greatest challenge while creating the project was cooperating with nature in order to demonstrate all of its beauty and rigour in scaling and dimensioning of objects, which is finally depicted with impressive passion.
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia
An attractive space intervention uses skilful positioning and creative interpretation of the cable car's basic content along with the related chambers which are elevated on a higher floor above the ground level, which alltogether possess an energy that results in a console domination, redefining the city accompanied by the climbers' centre, sporting goods, shop and administration offices.
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia:: platform gondola entrance
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia:: platform gondola exit
The terminal space of a various pathways network is given a new dimension while creating a comfort of daily connecting flows with the inner warmth of true living under the wrapping founded by the contemporary technology revolution.
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia: 
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia:: climbing center
Ropeway Sljeme_Bottom station_Zagreb_Croatia:: with a tram square
Ropeway Sljeme_Zagreb_Croatia

Ropeway Sljeme_Zagreb_Croatia
