Anna Kat Batess profil

T-Shirts 2018-2020 || NMSU Activity Center

In 2018 and 2019, I had the privilege to design the t-shirts for New Mexico State University's Intramural Sport's winners. Intramural Sports is an organization part of NMSU that allows students to form sports teams and play against other students. The team winners of each sport receive a t-shirt. 

Each year has a theme for the t-shirt that must be incorporated somehow into the design. In both 2018 and 2019, the themes paid homage to the New Mexican culture as they revolved around the Zia symbol and roadrunner.
Every summer, with the exception of 2020, New Mexico State University's Activity Center holds week-long camps all Summer called Sports Camp. In 2019, I had the honor to design the t-shirt for the kids to receive when they signed up for the camp. The playful iconography reflects different activities that the kids participate throughout the Summer. The second t-shirt was a gift given to all the counselors at the end of the Summer. While the camp is fun, it can be draining for the counselors and they deserve a t-shirt at the end.
T-Shirts 2018-2020 || NMSU Activity Center

T-Shirts 2018-2020 || NMSU Activity Center
