Profil von Seyit Zor

flower on the face

flower on the face
A face, a face that is clearly displayed; faces of ours. "Personal Data", inevitably. We did this. We developed technologies, invented media, photography, video, and facial recognition systems; and we realized that our faces belong to us and we can also be damaged via our faces.  How do we protect our face from being visible? Do we have to display this personal data every day? Can any authority force anybody traveling with a mask to show their face? Do we need to protect our face from each other while the state is watching us from the surveillance? What about the personal data we have been breaching for years? What should we do with the background faces on a selfie? So what about the art?  Street arts, photography, photojournalism? Does this end of them? How far should we go against the faces?
What does life look like without any faces on any media? How much consent is enough?
Should we hide our faces or do you hide them? 
well hello GDPR
flower on the face

flower on the face

In the land of individualism, what are we going to do about faces?

