Taylor Kostal 的個人檔案

Target & Co.Lab Retail Accelerator Contest

To submit a design for a contest with Target® and Co.Labs to build a mobile shopping experience that caters to customers who visit Target's 1,778 stores to demonstrate to the industry "just what kind of magic the future of retail has in store."

Social: Enabling customers to interact with one another, or Target
Education: Helping students, teachers, and schools be more successful, and improving the community
In-store: Extending and improving the experience within the store, or until the next visit
Personalization: Catering to the unique tastes and needs of each individual customer

Research and UX Design

This was my first attempt at making an UX prototype. I built a conceptual prototype in Keynote to illustrate a solution for an emerging consumer type with Target: the efficiency shopper. This native mobile app was designed to help Target's customers who did not have time to shop find the items they needed with the customer service they'd come to love with Target. 
This screen shows you how the user might see their list of items, including the "pinned" items.
Users can take a screen sho of this page with their phone and simply show this to the Customer Service employee at Target when they arrive to pick-up their things.
Lessons Learned
- How to think through designing a digital experience.
- How to create feedback for users so that they feel that they are successfully navigating 
  an experience. 
- How to work lean and bring more feedback into the design process to help with iterations 
  actively while you design.
Target & Co.Lab Retail Accelerator Contest

Target & Co.Lab Retail Accelerator Contest

This is my submission to the Co.Lab and Target Retail Accelerator contest in which I addressed the existing Target mobile app and found new ways 閱讀更多

