Profil Cape Rock

Ziggo Music - Screen Identity

Ziggo Music Channel Identity
Identity, Leader, Commerical Breaks, Dome Narrowcast, Dome Visual, Top 20 packaging
Ziggo launched its own streaming music service: Ziggo Music. It offers you millions of songs, the latest albums and the biggest hits from pop to classic, from dance to hip hop.
To promote Ziggo Music we have developed an identity that visualizes music through a music frequency bar that is connected to the Ziggo logo. The music bar opens up to reveal images of artists or bands within its remarkable shape. The images can be updated to promote specific artists or bands in a dynamic way while performing at the Ziggo Dome. 
Ziggo Top 20 
Ziggo Xite has become a popular music station in the Netherlands. Besides music reports from the Ziggo Dome, Ziggo offers a weekly Top 20 of the best music clips and videos of that week. To stick to young music loving minds we created edgy and remarkable designs and raw sounds.
Ziggo Music - Screen Identity

Ziggo Music - Screen Identity

We have innovated Ziggo’s corporate identity across multiple channels
