Animalele de la FERMA s-au adunat intr-un pachet compact pentru a stimula creativitatea micutului tau. 11 animale il vor pune la treaba
pentru asamblare iar apoi il vor indemna la pictura sau desen. Setul FERMA este executat din carton presat, un material responsabil cu
mediul si cu micutul tau.

Pachetul contine:
• Piese pentru 11 animale
• Instructiuni de asamblare
• O mica surpriza

Recomandat copiilor peste 4 ani
ATENTIE: pachetul FERMA contine piese mici.


While living in Romania, I was very fortunate to meet an amazing designer, Nicolae Baciu.
He introduced me into a new and wonderful world - sustainability. Working with him on the manufacturing of cardboard furniture and

accessories (lighting objects, display stands, toys etc.) I learned the value of such obkects and the benefit they bring to the environment.

Inspired by his creations and the Nordic design, I’ve decided to create my own set of farm animals made out of pressed cardboard.
The set offers 11 cool animals that kids can assemble and paint as they wish. Of course, “older” children can also join the fun and have a memorable family time.
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FERMA is a set of 11 farm animal toys made out of 100% recyclable cardboard. This is a children and environment-friendly product.

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