irza "abank if" fauzan's profile

Taktik Budi di Jari Kalian

MyTelkomsel is a one-stop portal for all your mobile needs. Unfortunately, many people are still unaware of this. How to engage our users to explore the portal?
We lay the possibilities out in our campaign through interactive videos.
The videos were spread everywhere. 16 different endings were created and the internet responded. Our trivia challenge was flooded by responses. 
With MyTelkomsel now everyone can become an explorer.

MyTelkomsel "Taktik Budi di Jari Kalian"
Agency : romp
Executive Creative Director : Afianto Makmun
Associate Creative Director : Irza Fauzan
Art Director : Andra Miyanka 
Copywriter : Erik Gunawan
Production House : Candid
Director : Edwin Apyaw

Taktik Budi di Jari Kalian

Taktik Budi di Jari Kalian
