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Anjuna Beach – Unparalleled Natural Beauty

Anjuna Beach in Goa is popularly known as the freak capital of the world, Anjuna is just the right place for lazing holidaymakers. Besides the crystal clear and silent waters of the Arabian Sea lapping softly on the Indian shore, Anjuna Beach comes to live with its ever-famous full-moon parties and the Wednesday flea market to take you on to an amazing trance trip. Anjuna is a beautiful and small village located in north Goa, on the shores of the Arabian Sea. It lies 18 km away from Panaji (the old name for Panjim), the capital of Goa

The major attractions of this serene place Anjuna Beach are the magnificent Albuquerque Mansion which was built in 1920 (flanked by octagonal towers and an attractive Mangalore tile-roof), the Chapora Fort, and the Mascarenhas Mansion. If anyone is tired of the lively party of this place and is interested in returning to civilization, then you can climb the mountain to get to Baga where one can catch a ferry out.

The flea market in Anjuna Beach is a heaven for good bargainers and hardcore shoppers, to bid on wonderful blends of Kashmiri, Tibetan, and Gujarati trinkets and handicrafts, cassettes of a noisy brand of music called ‘Goa Trance’, European snacks, artificial ornaments carvings and T-shirts. An elephant ride and a photograph with a fake sadhu or a fake snake charmer can also be found here. 

You can also indulge in the Acid House Party of Anjuna, Anjuna Beach is also known for its full-moon (acid house) parties. Held especially by and for young tourists, these parties have attracted thousands of tourists. With merriment, dance, and frolic the trance party goes all night beside the fire. With riches and classic ‘balcoes’ (balconies) Mascarenhas Mansion at Anjuna stands the monumental Mascarenhas Mansion. The L-shaped seats are there along with the length of the porch is of expensive wood. It offers some of the finest stained glass floral etchings.
Anjuna Beach – Unparalleled Natural Beauty
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Anjuna Beach – Unparalleled Natural Beauty

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