It all began on a hot sunny day. I sat in front of my laptop in the dining room at my parents' house. I remember it was quite early so 
I wasn’t wearing too many clothes. There was that moment when you wake up, have your cup of coffee, maybe something to eat and do not even want to think about dealing with all the things which are waiting for you throughout the day.
Then I see the sun rays coming through the window, right on my half-naked body. And here comes the idea, why not to take a picture of it and send it to my boyfriend... So I did . With laziness I used my phone camera, with laziness, but the pictures came out quite well. My partner was also happy with what he received by mail.
And so, by following the course of thought ... the sun ... skin ... tits ... drops of water ... guy ... erection ... hmm ... My mind  invented the tap, as a penis metaphor, from which squirting pictures of boobs as drops ...
I know, it is a quite crazy idea but it sat in my head and gave me no peace. I had to do it ...
The first time I presented my fountain in Szczecin. At the Inspiration festival. "urban space" was the theme of the entire festival. hence the name "Fountain urban"
I printed the images on transparent plexiglass to gain the impression of a drop of water or other liquid. I installed a shower in the wall and over it I hung from the smallest to the largest images with tits ... a whole thing made a good impression. After some time
I got an offer from friends to expose this installation in Torun. A few consultation, made me decided to go a little further up with the idea.

In Torun for this exhibition have been molded 101 penises of clay as the basis for the fountain. Photographs were hung around the light which gave the additional effect on the walls, as a kind of reflection off the water. From a distance, the whole thing looked quite innocently. Reflections, red lights, colors ... slightly moving pieces of glass ... only with close we could see the excitement, erections and ejaculation in the company of shapely boobs ...
urban fountain