"The Split Self"  2019 
30” x 44”
"Desolation Manifesto" 2019
Oil Paint & Acrylic Paint
"Constantly Falling" 2019
Watercolor & Marker 
24' x 30'
" The Talent Show" 2019
"A Chill Day at the Park" 2019 is a still photo from a stop-motion animation.
Photography & Adobe Premiere
Video one : 
"Desolation Manifesto" 2019 is a video piece and a painting based on my personal struggle with loneliness. This is a small clip from a 2 minute video that shows how loneliness has gradually warped my identity. Here is the entire poem: 

“ I wish I could make a time travel machine and teleport my mom from 2012 into 2019 so that
she could hold me and hug me.” The voice on the phone responds, “Kofo, I don’t think that’s
how time travel works. Wouldn’t she just be gone again in 2019.” It is a Friday night. I am in
my living room, talking to one of the two people I ever speak to. Is it possible to be
uncomfortable yet incredibly comfortable at the same time? Happy people do it all the time;
happy people describe change as something uncomfortable yet exhilarating. I think sad people do
it pretty often as well; uncomfortable within loneliness yet being alone becomes too familiar, so
it’s the only thing you know. Lonely is home, and anything else is an imposter... a friend? ... an
intruder. Being lonely and being happy share a quality; so, when I’m lonely am I allowed to say
I’m happy. Lonely for me looks like being too embarrassed to try and meet anyone else after a
thousand pathetic attempts yet continuing to strain and grasp already broken
relationships...which I don’t know.... is also pretty damn embarrassing. When I’m not
dreaming, the silence holds me and nurtures me. She eats at everything I was and creates what
she wants me to be. The old me was beautiful and full of youth. Always searching for something
new. She was adventurous. She was warm... horrible at small talk but good at everything else.
She cried as loud as she laughed. The new me, on the other hand... She’s cold and she simply
cannot offer one fuck to give. She can’t cry because she doesn’t laugh. She’s forever and
unapologetically numb. I love her, and all the while, I despise her. My brave girl. Cool bitch. The
coward. The coy child. I hate her, but if I tell her to go, who will lay near me when I wake?
When you get close enough, coldness becomes warmth, and I yearn for it.

Video two: 
"Ceremonial Lullaby" 2019 
MICA Competitive scholarship

MICA Competitive scholarship


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