Horny Toad - 1969

My father, a proud man, turned 50 last year, and I created this artwork for him to celebrate the milestone. For the life of me, I cannot remember the reason why his nickname is the Horny Toad, although more than likely I've blocked out the memory (eyes). Either way, I thought it was a fitting way to celebrate the man turning 50. The only reason this wasn't shared yet, was because I printed and framed this artwork for him and it took me until now to get photos of the frame up on a wall in his home. No real reason for the delay other than the fact that often life gets in the way of these things whether we intend it to or not.


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Horny Toad - 1969

Horny Toad - 1969

An artwork I created and framed as a gift for my father, for his 50th birthday.
