The Boobie Trap
This “Boobie Trap” was made for me to visualize what I have observed as a cis-gendered female with the intent to share these observations and open up conversations of cultural norms, freedom, supression and how we as individuals play a 
role in these systems.

The Boobie Trap places the natural, nurturing, freedom and comfort of the breast around and within confinement, patriarchy, and suppression represented through the trap.
Two have been cut smaller than the others, those two having darker nipples representing isolation, deliberately encased within the trap. The larger of the two have lighter nipples representing the thirst for freedom and equality, placed on the larger size of the rectangle and are trying to break free of confinement.
Two have been cut smaller than the others, those two having darker nipples representing isolation, deliberately encased within the trap.
The term trap is intended to symbolize how easily societies have accepted the idea that what we know as the female form is one that must be protected and only seen in private. “Trap” is also intended to express the mental limitation of believing that all boobs will be on the body of a cis-gendered females.
This project was created during my 3D Processes class my first year of Purchase College in 2019 under the direction of  Raphael Zollinger. I created an alienate mold of my breast and made four plaster casts which where then woven in the chicken wire box. Before sealing the box I constructed a sheet metal frame to keep the structure of the box.

Natasha Bartley 
September 2019
New York
Boobie Trap

Boobie Trap

Conceptual Sculpture- reflecting upon feminism, equality, and double standards.


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