Profiel van Andrea Tavolaro


The following artworks depict homoerotic subjects. Some of them are purely appreciative of the male body. Others constitute an open critique to the gay society, its false values, hidden rules and subtle discriminations masked as lifestyle and sexual preferences. As mach as a tabu to the gay community, spawned as it was from societal intolerance and oppression, I think it's only healthy to begin an open discussion about its social issues and expose ourselves in order to grow from it.

All illustrations are drown in Autodesk Sketchbook with my mobile Galaxy Note 9.
Credits: @ardilla_reticulada @kiko_personahumana
The following illustration points out the usual NSA reference, overly popular on gay dating profiles. NSA is acronym for "No Strings Attached" and express someones desire to nothing more than anonymous sex.
It depicts an intention but I it's also a myth. I personally think everyone crave human connection and warmth, sex is just one way, perhaps the easiest and "cheapest" one, to get to it. I'd like to raise the question, is NSA a coping mechanism for a community that still struggles with self-acceptation? As it's legitimate to explicit someone's desires it shouldn't be an issue recognizing the urges behind them as well.
Other common references that pollute gay dating profiles are the "NO FEMS, NO FATS, NO BLACKS, NO ASIANS". Masked as personal sexual preferences, it unfortunately reflects a society, the gay one, which is parceled into subgroups as it were a target for a marketing campaign instead of being inclusive end welcoming everyone's individualities as it could. A contrast in terms, especially considering the history of the community itself, or maybe the derailed expression of the ancestral human need to fit into a group.
Here a video about the work in progress.
Some of the illustrations are taken directly from the gay dating profile pictures.
They portray men who purposefully hide their face. Whether it's an attempt to hide their own identity for social convections or a form of self-objectification I find it interesting to point out, especially in modern supposedly "liberated" west world.
A video showing the work in progress
A video of the work in progress.
Thanks for watching!
Feel free to follow my Instagram account @andreatavolaroart for more to come!


Homoerotic illustrations that offer a critical point of view over the gay community and its issues.
