Profil von Nick John

ˈhō ˈCHē ˈmin - Ho Chi Minh

ˈhō ˈCHē ˈmin - Ho Chi Minh
The President Ho Chi Minh, is a mausoleum which serves as the resting place of Vietnamese Revolutionary leader & President Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is a large building located in the center of Ba Dinh Square, where Ho, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Vietnam from 1951 until his death in 1969, read the Declaration of Independence on 2 September 1945, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. It is also known as Ba Đình Mausoleum.
When Vietnam achieved independence in 1954, Ho Chi Minh was claimed to have refused to live in the grand structure for symbolic reasons, although he still received state guests there, he eventually built a traditional Vietnamese stilt house and carp pond on the grounds. His house and the grounds were made into the Presidential Palace Historical Site in 1975.
ˈhō ˈCHē ˈmin - Ho Chi Minh


ˈhō ˈCHē ˈmin - Ho Chi Minh

ˈhō ˈCHē ˈmin - Ho Chi Minh
