Eva Jeanne Markosky's profile

Whitetail Deer Hunting - Gear That Can Make a

An engineering assistant, Eva Jeanne Markosky has held responsibilities such as helping managers monitor project workload, financial performance, and budgets. During her free time, Eva Jeanne Markosky enjoys reading, cooking, and hunting whitetail deer using a bow or a rifle.

While whitetail deer hunting is a skill, there is gear that can be added to the hunting toolbox to enhance the hunting experience. These additional items include:

- Treestand. This is crucial for whitetail deer hunters who prefer the ambush style of hunting. The stand is advantageous since it gives the hunter a near 360-degree field of view and prevents the deer from detecting the hunter's scent.

- Quality optics. Optics help in quickly finding a deer in the bush or at far distances. Some optical devices include a built-in laser rangefinder for added shooting accuracy.

- Clothing. Whitetail deer hunters may hunt from before sunup to sunset. Therefore, Gore Tex-lined or similar clothing guards the hunter against rain, but is well ventilated to allow body vapors to escape. Also, synthetic fiber-insulated clothing keeps the body warm and dry, as opposed to down, which can attract and hold moisture, lessening its insulating value.
Whitetail Deer Hunting - Gear That Can Make a

Whitetail Deer Hunting - Gear That Can Make a
