AJ Wileys profil

Japan: Illustration and Inspiration

I had the opportunity to study abroad in Japan in the fall semester of 2019 and it was an overload of design and art that inspired me. Through my 3 months of being in Japan, I grew as a person and as a designer and created some of my favorite work. I snapped shots of work and nature that inspired me and created illustrations from it.

Below are some illustrations I created with inspiration from Japan's culture, nature and animals.

Through my time in Japan I grew a profound love for animals and protecting their land. I created a line of "Protect Me" stickers that I sold when I got back to the states and they included a sea turtle, amur leopard and mountain gorillas. Below are the illustrations along with the stickers that were sold. 50% of sales of these stickers went to the World Wildlife Fund.
I also had the privilege of designing shirts/hoodies for the university I studied at (Senshu University) I was inspired by all of the international students from all over the world along with Japan's iconic Mount Fuji. I had a blast exploring around and documenting these photos.
Here a few photos of inspiration I captured during my time here
Japan: Illustration and Inspiration


Japan: Illustration and Inspiration
