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10 important ideas to set up your home office

10 important ideas to set up your home office
Most homes have an office space, so today we give you some ideas that can help you when the Office Refurbishment. The office is an increasingly necessary space in many homes. The number of people who work from home and also freelancers or freelancers who need a place to organize their roles and perform their work tasks grows. The office should be a quiet and reserved place where we can concentrate and isolate ourselves. But this is not always possible at home. That is why we give you some ideas that can help you when setting up a home office.

Work spaces are no longer limited to offices, now we also need to have some corner at home where we can work a few hours, on weekends or even full-time. The Internet has meant a revolution in the world of work that has filled our office houses. And we cannot forget it, because the decoration, location and atmosphere of your office is very important….do not miss these ideas!

1. A quiet corner in the home office
The first thing to keep in mind, whenever possible, is to find a quiet room or corner. The ideal office is located in a somewhat remote room where we can be calm and away from the usual noise so that our concentration is not affected. But as this is not always possible and your office may have to go in a room such as the living room, bedroom or dining room, the first thing you should assess is that it is a corner as quiet as possible.

Is it better in the bedroom or in the living room? That will depend on our daily routine, on how many people live in our home, and on the schedules you will be working on… think about it all carefully. Taking into account the hours in which you will usually use your office, what is the best area to locate it? It may seem obvious to place it in the living room, but the kitchen is a less frequented area that will give you more peace of mind. It is also important to feel comfortable about it, value all possible options and choose the best one for you.

2. Next to a window.
If possible, place your table next to a window so that you can see the outside. As long as it is not a very noisy street, it will help us develop creativity and we will also have better light. Lighting is always very important when deciding location. Better lighting will help us work better, especially when we talk about taking advantage of natural light.

3. Choose colors well
Another factor to consider when designing our home office are colors. The color with which we paint our environment influences our mood and our performance, so for an office light colors are recommended although we can also bet on some touches of color that will give us energy and dynamism. If you want to know more about what are the best colors to decorate your office, do not miss this article on the subject.

Green and pastel blue colors can also be a great idea when decorating the walls of your home office. They are relaxing colors that remind us of open spaces and that help us to be calm and focused.

4. The importance of a good chair.
The office chair is very important, since we will spend many hours sitting in them. Therefore it is important that they are comfortable, breathable and fit our needs well. Too rigid chairs are not beneficial for our backs if we must spend many hours in them. Although in many of the images of home offices we see lounge chairs we recommend that you look for an office chair if you are going to spend enough hours in it. Your health and your back will thank you.

If you want to know more about office chairs we recommend that you do not miss this article that tells you the most important factors when choosing your office chair.

5. Storage space
Another very important point when setting up a home office is storage. An office generates a whole series of material that you don't want to always have on top of the table, so it is necessary to include at least one chest of drawers on the desk or next to it. There you can save the items you use daily and do not want them to be above, as well as save the documentation or papers you need. But you will also need shelves or cabinets to store other types of material that you might need such as books, folders, filing cabinets, etc...

It is always better to have everything at hand when you work so try to locate your table near the storage area to save you continuous travel while you are working and to make your task more fluid. Surely you will appreciate it! A good idea is to take advantage of the vertical space using shelves on the walls above the work table, if possible and you do not have much space. If not standing shelves can also be a good solution.

6. Take advantage of the corners
If you do not have too much space, making the most of it should be your motto. We can find tables of very different measures or designed to take advantage of the corners and thus get the most out of the space. So don't be discouraged if the space is small. Search and you will surely find a suitable solution that will help you create your home office. In small spaces it is always better to bet on light colors in all the elements, including the table so that you feel more spacious.

7. Don't miss a date
The calendar is one of the elements that we use the most when we are working, to coordinate dates, check when it will be a delivery, etc. ... That is why it is always good to get a calendar in your home office. Either desktop or wall calendar with weeks can never be missing in an office. Do not forget him!

8. Give importance to lighting
Lighting is always better if it is natural. That's why take advantage of natural light as we told you before by placing your table near a window. Also use thin or semi-transparent and light-colored curtains that help you lose the minimum of natural light. The orientation of the room is also important when making the most of natural light. But if you do not have enough or just work during hours that there is not enough sunlight ... do not forget the lamps. They are a very important element to help us work better, with more energy and without harming our eyes. Flex lamps cannot be missing in an office to provide us with the punctual light we need. As well as good general lighting.

9. Join the Mood board fashion
We have already talked about mood boards. They are those panels that hang near our work table and help us to inspire and keep in sight everything we want to remember. They are a very good option so that we do not forget that idea so great that we came up with or to surround ourselves with images that inspire us and foster our creativity. You can simply hang the images on a wall or on the cork of a lifetime ... but if you want to be up to date, sign up for the metal grilles. The metal grilles are the solution to protect the wall but at the same time you can easily hang photos, drawings, newspaper clippings…..a simple idea, and also decorative!

10 a closet as an office?
Another idea that can help us make the most of space. And at the same time we will always have everything hidden from the sight of unexpected or inconvenient visits. We love the idea of ​​using   a closet as an office. If we remove the shelves and divisions of a closet we will have enough interior space to install a small home office with everything you need. And with the advantage of being able to hide it at any time, a great idea!
10 important ideas to set up your home office
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10 important ideas to set up your home office

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