CD package design
Title: Tired to love
Scale: 4.75”x 4.75” x 0.5” 
Medium: spray paint, marker, clay, disc, photoshop
Title: Closed eyes
Scale: 6”x 3” x 10”
Medium: steel wire, foam balls, thread, bead, glass
Title: Repost
Scale: 7”x 7”x 11”
Medium: clay, ink, reflective paper, glitter
Title: Grandpa's hospital room
Scale: 12”x 15”
Medium: marker, pencil
Poster design
Title: Best seat
Scale: 16”x 21”
Medium: clay, acrylic, canvas, glitter, photoshop
Stop motion
Title: Transformation
Scale: 1min 33s
Medium: video
MICA competitive scholarship 2019

MICA competitive scholarship 2019

Art works done in the first semester of MICA's First Year Experience.
