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Condensation and Ripples 凝結與漣漪-台東縣原住民文創聚落藝術駐村創作展


“Condensation and Ripples” explores how artists from different parts of Asia can develop and provide a channel of reflection and inspection for various cultural differences, depicting and outlining the current space and landscape of art. The works of the artists in this exhibition are closely related to the sea, the nature, or local humanities and ethnic arts.

“TTICC”, as a venue for brainstorming, connection, transformation, and production, is different from the function of regular exhibition and studio experiment creation. Instead, it is directly embedded in the negative space of collective creation of “settlement” by the commonwealth, permeates into the chaotic conglomeration, and combines the collective wisdom and strength, striving to promote the formation of “Condensation and Ripples”.

“Condensation and Ripples” desires to inject new blood, stirring and traversing between different ethnic groups across different domains, in order to employ a more spatio-temporal way to offer comments and smooth the process of interconnection, communication, proliferation, displacement, and diffusion between cultures. In addition, through “connection” and “production”, surface individuals living in every corner of the world can engage in cross-domain flow, exploration, and reading as artists in all corners of nature explore and mingle the huge current wandering in the cultural community. The launch of “TTICC” is like a network of entities, it initiates long-distance communication and cohesion and creates possibilities of new fluctuations.

With ripples simulated on six faces, the metallic cube is set as the main body of design. There are three key elements. Dark navy is painted for its stability and sophistication. The symbol of ARTIST IN RESIDENCEFOR CREATIONS - metallic cube, features the motion of waves on six faces. The combination is to illustrate the concept of contradiction and co-existence of static and dynamic inspired by the theme.


DM Cool Card

Invitation Card





指導單位:原住民族委員會 |||主辦單位:臺東縣政府|||承辦單位:國立臺東大學美術產業學系

Condensation and Ripples 凝結與漣漪-台東縣原住民文創聚落藝術駐村創作展

Condensation and Ripples 凝結與漣漪-台東縣原住民文創聚落藝術駐村創作展

以金屬立方體為視覺主軸,將動態流體的漣漪波紋交互生成於立方體的六個面上,沈穩內斂的深藍色,搭配象徵駐村創作心血的金屬立方體,方體的面產生的波動,體現出主題動與靜的衝突共存概念。 With ripples simulated on six faces, the metallic cube Read More
