vdS creatie's profile

Vinçotte Netherlands

Vinçotte Netherlands 
Vinçotte Netherlands offers services such as inspections and certification for safety and quality in the construction, (petro) chemical industry, energy and other process industries.
vdS creatie provides catchy communications for Vinçotte Netherlands. From leaflets, brochure, advertisements, leaflets, exhibition stand, infographic to promotional gift.
Exhibition stand design
Vinçotte has engaged vdS creatie to design an exhibition stand. This could be viewed at Maintenance NEXT from 9 to 11 April 2019.
Size of stand: 10 x 5 meters
Folders and brochure
vdS creatie ensures that the brochures and a general brochure are up to date and are provided with a clear line in the layout that matches the corporate identity of Vinçotte.
USB card
For Vinçotte, vdS creatie has realized the design of a USB card with packaging.
A nice gift as a give-away during trade fairs or as a business gift.
Vinçotte Netherlands - USB card and package design
Vinçotte Netherlands

Vinçotte Netherlands

Vinçotte Netherlands Vinçotte Netherlands offers services such as inspections and certification for safety and quality in the construction, (pet Read More
