Profilo di Nien Chung

廣州農商銀行大廳藝術裝置 The Art of Time Tells a Luminous Story

The Art of ‘ Time Tells a Luminous Story’ for GRCB, Guangzhou, China
The seasonal change is based on a Chinese farmer’s almanac that describes 8 seasons, two for each of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Coordinated by DEM inc., this work is for a large-scale artwork installation placed at the headquarter of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank at Xinhe building.

春 Spring
夏 Summer
秋  Autumn
立冬 The beginning of Winter
冬至 The Winter Solstice
Video provided by DEM inc. 影片提供 : 橙果設計 DEM inc.
Full details in IF Plus. :

統籌規劃 Project Coordination : 橙果設計  DEM inc.
3D動畫: 蕪花菓創意 3D Animation : Fig Creative Studio
美術設定 Concept Art:鍾念恩 Nien Chung
視覺設計製作 Scenic Design and Production : 王伯宇 Wang Po-Yu、吳易錚 Wu Yi-Cheng、陳加芳 Chen Chia-Fang、蕭劭庭 Hsiao Shao-Ting,、蕭維廷 Hsiao Wei-Ting、謝國揚 Hsieh Kuo-Yang、鍾念恩Nien Chung
程式特效 Special Effect Engineering : 王伯宇 Wang Po-Yu、吳克軍 Wu Ke-Chun、蕭劭庭 Hsiao Shao-Ting、蕭維廷 Hsiao Wei-Ting
系統工程 System Engineering : 陳炯廷 Chen Chiung-Ting、黃韋欽 Huang Wei-Chin
硬體工程 Hardware Engineering : 陳顯清Chen Hsien-Ching
廣州農商銀行大廳藝術裝置 The Art of Time Tells a Luminous Story


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廣州農商銀行大廳藝術裝置 The Art of Time Tells a Luminous Story

‘Time Tells a Luminous Story’ by DEM Global Designed for GRCB, Guangzhou, China
