Electric Forest is a four day, multi-genre, summer music festival with a focus o on electronic and jam band genres with a heavy emphasis on visual art. It is held in Rothbury, Michigan at the Double JJ Resort and sets it's attendees in a forest decorated with fantastical lights and art pieces.  
To create an entry package, package, and other collateral for the Electric Forest music festival using colors and style that will reflect the atmosphere of the the festival. The project as a whole should be colorful and engaging to the eye while striking a balance between darkness and light.
The development process began with the desire to rebrand the Electric Forest festival for the year of 2019 taking into a more modern looking approach. I wanted the design to be based in dark colors with bright neon colors using them in harmony to bring forth the visions of the forest at night as it is illuminated by the light-based art pieces and other decorations.
Electric Forest 2019
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Electric Forest 2019

2019 Festival Branding Solo Project all work done by Aaron McMillan Logo Provided by Electric Forest

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