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2020 “ Chinese Intelligent Calendar” 2020《传家日历》

2020 传家日历,用崭新的方式开启2020 年——全新环装版、创新翻页版、经典撕页版,打造国民级生活良品。365 天,比想象更加美好,377张惊艳插画、开发专属小程序、听书、壁纸、日签,我们希望把生活本该有的样子,还给生活。让根植于内心的美好,引领我们找回属于自己的依旧美好的小日子。

2020 “ Chinese Intelligent Calendar” 
Twenty twenty family canlendar,a new way to greet twenty twenty.Three editions of the twenty twenty family canlendar ,circle edition,page turing edition and page tearing edition,to havea good quality of life.Making 365 days better.377 amazing illustrations,exclusive apps of the canlendar,listening books,wallpapers,daily signature.We wish we can make life what life should belike.Making lifes getting better by our hearts.
2020 “ Chinese Intelligent Calendar” 2020《传家日历》

2020 “ Chinese Intelligent Calendar” 2020《传家日历》
