Hey, your going to see my final exam of my master in Design Graphic. Hope you like it ;)
Animated version of the Iello logo
We live in a societe and a world who is binary, I'm meen by that there is only two gender identity who is generaly admit : Men and Woman.  And gender is judge like he was inseparable of the sexual organ.

The non-binary people admit more gender, "Iels" (non-binary pronoun in french) distinguish gender and sex.
Gender is just a social construct who deduce some action
Sexual organ are just physical but they say nothing about your tasts and whish.

I choose this subject because is growing fast, show a desire of society changing and as a graphic designer it is part of my job to show the new codes as well as create them to support the speech or even legitimize it.​​​​​​​

So my issue question was : How creat a visual communication for a minority when it challenges the founding pillars of our society?

To respond I start to imagine a name.
"IELLO", he as 3 references :
"Iel' is the most popular non binary pronoun in French, mixing "il" and "elle".
"Lo" which is an invented word used to designate someone, it replaces "Lui" and "Elle"
And of course the pronunciation of "IELLO" reminds us of the pronunciation of the yellow color in English  which is the non-binary color.
They all fit into a grid with the same distances and proportions.     jj
The choice to make a modular logo was obvious! This allows you to create an infinite number of variants to correspond to an infinite number of gender. Here there are only 6 of them, covering the most common genres and not gender, but it is possible to create many more.
Each symbol has a meaning:
- N°2 takes up the non-binary flag and is used to talk about non-binarity in general
- The following ones come from gender symbols (for example for the masculine it is an arrow and for the feminine a bar)
- N°3 is a yellow cross, the cross comes from the non-binary gender symbol and the yellow is the non-binary color
- N°4 uses the symbols of male AND female gender because genderfluid people identify themselves in the middle of these 2 genders. Purple (between blue and pink) is the genderfluid color.
- N°5 is an arrow with a black upside down arrow. Upside down because people agenre (without gender) go against gender and black to mean genderlessness by colorlessness.
- N°6 is a round because polygender persons (several gender) have a multitude of gender, they are complete. White because it is all the colors mixed in parallel with the polygenre.
Each visual plays on 3 levels:
- The colors play on the unconscious.
- Deformation and imperfection become the visual identity.
- Everything is done to disturb the gaze and thus catch the eye.
Grid & reading direction
This posters are made for the print but obviously in our ultra-connected world is not enough ! So now we are going to see the adaptation for social networks.

First we have Instagram It will allow to make known "Iello", thanks to the Story, sponsored publication, etc, to lead to the site and in a more general way to make known the existence of non binarity.
And now the video and story from the same visual (turn the sound on ;) )
Post et story Instagram
The choice to make animations in glitch allows to remain coherent with the visual identity which plays on deformation and imperfection.
The sound gives more strength and increases the disturbing side of the visuals.
To increase the visibility and popularity of "Iello" a youtube channel will be set up. This will also allow to publish and create new content on a regular basis.
Youtube mock up
And now the website. It has two goals :
- To make known the non-binarity with the identities it groups and to explain it simply.
- To help non-binary people to find associations, groups etc. and to give them content that can help them to better make their identities understood by their relatives.
That's why the website is very simple:
Non binary, visual identity

Non binary, visual identity

Final exam for ma master on Graphic Design. Creation of visual identity for non-binary people. I tried to create something that would appeal to t Развернуть
