David James illustrates the Big Bang

When an agency briefs us with a big odd idea that's hard to imagine, that's when we're in our element.
David James has an odd imagination. Very little puts him off balance. Which is why he's so great at drawing ideas that have never been drawn before. Original ideas. Odd ideas. Ideas that require a vivid imagination to visualise how it would look in reality.

Then once it's drawn the idea can be easily shared and enjoyed by a third party. Which, in the case of this Vodafone campaign, leads to the idea being filmed and shown to the world.

And that's pretty much the storyboarder's main motivation. To help people share great ideas.  And David James is at the top of the game as you'll see when you look through the frames below.
David James Vodafone

David James Vodafone

When an agency briefs us with a big odd idea that's hard to imagine, that's when we're in our element.


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