Emiliano Finocchis profil

Robotics in the Oil & Gas Industry

As a major player in the global economy, the oil and gas industry is always looking for ways to improve existing processes and make necessary adjustments to enhance speed, accuracy, and safety. A recent development in this industry is the integration of robotics. As of late, robotics technology has proven valuable to the oil and gas industry in a number of ways, and more widespread use in the future is likely.

General Applications
Working in the oil and gas industry can be dangerous, but with the help of robotics, the risk of injury or error is reduced. Implementing technological developments in the field can prevent human workers from getting harmed, and with robotics, efficiency, accuracy, and speed can be increased without putting additional strain on existing employees. Automation is also proving to be more cost-effective as it enhances efficiency; time spent on a rig, after all, costs money, so the faster work can be completed, the less expensive the operation will be. Different robotics projects have been designed and implemented with unique goals and functions, but the ultimate initiative is to promote safety and improve existing methods of detection and extraction.

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Robotics in the Oil & Gas Industry

Robotics in the Oil & Gas Industry

As a major player in the global economy, the oil and gas industry is always looking for ways to improve existing processes and make necessary adj Läs mer


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