Profil appartenant à Eleonora VenzagaProfil appartenant à Alessandro La Rosa

Happy Holiday//Europ Assistance

12—2019 Height Sustainable Holiday Cards @EuropAssistance

Europ Assistance is an international group, created in 1963 by Pierre Desnos. Europ Assistance was the first company to provide medical coverage for people traveling overseas.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
1# Carpool with friends and family 

Driving home for Christmas? Why not pool with your family and friends. It’s better for the environment and you won’t be top to toe in tailbacks.​​​​​​​
2# Buy local gift. Gift card works too
3# Pick a gift that last

This holiday is a time for sharing, but how often have we purchased something that we know will get thrown away, or worse, put away in a cupboard unloved and unused?
4# Remember: it's okay re-gift!
5# Buy digital gift card

There’s nothing better than a White Christmas, but this year, why not make it green too with digital greetings and gift cards?
6# Avoid plastic cups and cultural
7# Use energy-saving holiday light

Feeling cosy with the sparkling lights glistening. The Holiday period, at last. A simple switch to energy-saving lights can make a big difference and put money in your pocket!
8# Donate leftover food to local associations 
Made within Ragù Communication
Europ Assistance—2019

Art direction—Eleonora Venzaga
Design and illustration—Eleonora Venzaga​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Motion designer—Alessandro La Rosa ​​​
Credits to Ragù Communication

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Happy Holiday//Europ Assistance
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Happy Holiday//Europ Assistance

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