Profil Britt Rizika

3 Dimensional Design at The College of New Jersey

All Artwork Below is ©
© Wood / Yarn / Nail, "All Tangled Up". For this piece we had to have an found object and have the found object interacting with something. I decided to make an installation for my piece and used yarn as my found object. I made a wooden structure that went in multiple directions with the intent to have many different angles. I then hammered tons of nails into the wood so I can string the different colored yarn randomly throughout the piece. I liked the web like appearance it gave off and the different shapes that it made. I then hung my structure from the ceiling so it could float. I wanted this big chaotic mess to be the center but then have it begin to separate onto the walls so you can see the distinct colors. I put nails into the walls as well to do the same technique. I wanted to also have the shapes the yarn made on the wall to blend in with the shadows and look similar. I left the yarn hanging on the bottom.
© A Closer Look at the Installation Above ^ 
© Wood, 20"x48", "Rhythm". For this piece I had make at least 15 joints and have 7 forms of rhythm. This was my first attempt at working with wood.  
© Metal, 27"x19". "Balance". For this piece we had to work with metal and have the theme of balance in mind. We were only allowed to have 3 points touching the floor in this piece and had to think of creative ways in order to achieve a cohesive balance in our pieces. For my piece I wanted to foucus on straight lines, specifically squares. This was my first attempt at welding and using metal. 
3 Dimensional Design at The College of New Jersey

3 Dimensional Design at The College of New Jersey

All Artwork is ©


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