Since bringing Mojo into the house he's been fascinated by the every-day activities and insists on being involved.
Given the smallest sliver of space the usually hyper-active Moo prefers the couch to other locations.
Typically stand-office and reclusive, Kumo enjoys a patch of winter sunlight in the kitchen.
Kiri basks in the warmth of evening cuddles next to the wood stove - who's to say she's unaware of how synergistic this relationship is.
My wife pauses for a moment as Kiri makes her presence known.
My wife and I both suffer from PTSD - all of our pets can sense when things are tough for us, and offer comfort in surprising ways as seen her. Kiri offers sympathy after I wake up from a nightmare.
The eternal quest of dogs to be close to cats and the cats avoiding it.
One of two recent rescues, Stallone has proven to be surprisingly affectionate. His presence is always calming for both my wife and myself.
Our pets are often full of surprises, including finding themselves in unexpected spots. Until this moment we had no idea she enjoyed hiding inside the kick drum of my acoustic kit.
Kumo relaxes by the warm wood stove on a dark and cold Montana night. Just having him nearby reassures me that things aren't about to suddenly spin out of control.
It never ceases to amaze us just how at ease and comfortable Kiri can be - as if she doesn't have a care in the world. Perhaps we can take a lesson and live in the moment too.
Quietly sleeping as we clean the house, making the most of her favorite spot in the sun and next to a heater.
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love


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