to support peace .

For the first time in history, the world saw a peace . But unlike other happend supported by our nation , this peace had no official "home" to call his own, and thus, no anthem and no flag. The flag of the "peace Nation," created by palestenian refugee Mohamad Abdalhadi , was Black & white , to represent the life before the " Nakbah " .
 Another  palestenian refugee, composer Faisal Zaki , created a wordless anthem to convey a universal message of love and peace.
The peace nation Flag It is hoisted all over the region by different people, organizations, and even countries as a sign of solidarity in support of peace. I was tasked with designing a nation brand that captured and explained the idea behind the brand and the people themselves and all that it stands, to visitors from all over the world who may have stumbled upon its colors.​​​​​​​

historical Background
Until 1948, Palestine typically referred to the geographic region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Arab people who call this territory home are known as Palestinians. Much of this land is now considered present-day also as palestine .



The idea of the logo revolves around the root of the idea of the Palestinian presence in the minds of Palestinian youth, by modifying it in the form of a letter of faith in the Arabic language, which represents the starting letter in the word Palestine, and by combining it with an icon that expresses the original geographical location represented by Palestine in the middle of the map that represents the meeting point between the Asian and African continents
The secret of a person’s relationship to the homeland does not require scientific theories, research or studies. It is simply a dialectical relationship that a researcher in this world could not and will not be able to determine the moment of its initiation, because man believes that his entity originated on the ground, and that the earth on its greatness has harnessed him to be his home He grows them to eat, lives them to live, invests their resources to ensure that his lineage is as far away.
Man gives the earth his identity, and discovers in it what he thinks is the secret of his life and the spirit of his culture, but not to give the earth his identity to become a stubborn stubborn stubborn person like its rocks and mountains, and becomes radiant with his thoughts like the sun's radiation in its sky, and giving as its spring flowers, as thin as its tables and fountains, protecting its being like its thorns


According to olive variety, extra virgin olive oil has different sensorial attributes, e.g. fragrance, flavour, colour and nutrient composition parameters. Thus, its quality can be considered from diverse points of view: normative, commercial, nutritional, therapeutic and sensorial. An excellent olive oil is produced with good olive growing, harvesting, storage and processing practices. This condition considers the preservability an olive oil qualitative characteristic.


project : National  Branding
Year : 2019

Peace Nation


Peace Nation

For the first time in history, the world saw a peace . But unlike other happend supported by our nation , this peace had no official "home" to ca Read More
