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Year 2019 Taiwan Warm Power Calendar

《2019 台灣外交暖實曆》
Year 2019 Taiwan Warm Power Calendar
民主維新協會與台灣數位外交行動計畫,在 2018 年 10 月決定一起製作一本「台灣外交暖實曆」,以 12 個青年組織在各國經營多年的實例,展現台灣青年的外交實力。 「台灣外交暖實曆」設計的初衷,是希望將民間 12 個一直很努力讓台灣與世界建立連結的組織,用插畫桌曆帶到大家的日常生活裡,同時用一種比較輕鬆的方式,讓大家認識台灣青年世代選擇怎麼一同建立台灣新的外交版圖,甚至一起支持他們。「台灣外交暖實曆」所得盈餘將全數平分給 12 個青年組織,讓他們在和世界交朋友的路上走的更遠。
桌曆每個月的內頁都是一個青年組織,在世界某個角落做暖實力外交的真實故事。12 個月份依照這些組織的地理位置分布,繞了一圈地球之後回到台灣,因為他們的每一次出走,都是為了回家。
In October, 2018, Democracy Renovation and Taiwan Digital Diplomacy started a project to make a calendar about "Warm Power" from Taiwan, featuring stories of 12 young associations around the world.  The idea of this calendar, is to introduce these groups to everyone, that how this young generation build several new ways for diplomacy in Taiwan, and with the easy style of illustrations, people could understand and support them. The funding will be split equally between 12 associations, help them go further on their own paths.
Each page in this calendar brings up a true story of specific young group and their effort far from home. Rounding down all the 12 month and you would travel around the Earth and back to Taiwan, for that every journey end at home. 

Year 2019 Taiwan Warm Power Calendar

Year 2019 Taiwan Warm Power Calendar

In October, 2018, Democracy Renovation and Taiwan Digital Diplomacy started a project to make a calendar about "Warm Power" from Taiwan, featurin Läs mer
