Size: 4x4”
 Median: sharpie
Reflection: I struggled to make the images non-objective, but I had fun. A number of line techniques were used in this final. I think the image gives a "spacey" and free feeling with a touch of boldness. 
Non-objective compositions
Size: 5x8”
 Median: paper and glue
Reflection: Shape was a fun process, with a lot different possibilities. I took my time with the cuts, however I did make some cut mistakes, especially with the cuts from the x-acto knife.
size: 10x10"
Median: paper and glue
Reflection: I struggled with clean cut lines, and placing pieces. I had problems with the glue, and shapes not cutting correctly, overall I believe that if I had more effort this design would turn out better. 
Size: 5​​x​​7”
Median: fabric, buttons, records, tinfoil, craft flowers, paper, craft bird.
Reflection: I spent most of my time trying to apply my idea into this project the best way possible. I feel like I succeeded. The image doesn't show very well, but it was to be a small bonsai tree struggling to survive on the side of a rugged cliff, with many other factors threatening it. This was to fall in the theme of "on the edge"
Size: N/A
Median: nature
Reflection: I feel like we could have planned and done a few things different, however it was a successful project. Working with two other classmates helped when putting this together. The idea was to weave vines and branches through and around the three trees. I believe this was a success, we manages to make color pop using a small amount of twine, smashed berries, and white rocks. 
Size: 12x12"
Median: paint on a record
Reflection: i feel i could have added more detail and shading qualities, but i am also happy with how it turned out. I used triadic​ colors, I felt this would look best with the color and tone I was going for. 
Size: 8 x 10”
 Median: paper, color pencil, pencil
Reflection: I had the most fun with this project, putting soft shading detail to show smooth texture is my favorite part. The image shows a coral like texture placed on the side of a tree like texture, a hyena skull with some fur, displayed on a stake. 
I feel like i displayed good texture mainly in the skull and fur, with rougher type of textures to the background.
Size: 5 x 7”
Median: charcoal, paper.
Reflection: I enjoyed this but was still challenging. I've worked with charcoal only two other times, but i feel this project helped with fine tuning the skills for it. I had most trouble with finding images for it, I wanted so much but didn't quit know how to apply them. I managed to get enough layers and shading to show depth, but I with I had done more. 
The take-away from this semester
I feel I learned how to apply elements and principles to my art better. My skills  and creative levels, in both art and graphics, have improved as the class advanced. 
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