Profil Aren MarquardtProfil Joseph Olinger

JCPenney Customer Journey Revision

JCPenney Customer Journey
This project revolved around finding a company whose customer journey was a little rocky and creating deliverables that would iron out these wrinkles and make the overall experience more enjoyable in hopes of generating an increase in returning customers.
Research / Why JCPenney?
For this project I collaborated with Aren Marquardt. Aren had experience working with JCP in retail and could list a whole list of problems they had. These issues ranged from a cluttered website, to difficulty shipping items, and trouble reaching their target audience. To combat these issues we designed a person and a series of deliverables for them which we thought would solve the issue at hand:
Our Persona:
Aren and I quickly narrowed down JCPenney's target audience, designing a persona by the name of Susan Schumaker to represent them. They're a life-loving, 52 year-old woman who might not be the most tech savvy person, being born towards the latter end of the digital divide, but they're well versed enough in using it that they're able to casually shop online and socialize with friends on Facebook, Pinterest, and the like.
Our Deliverables:
A new website homepage:
This would include hamburger menus, easily recognizable tabs, and be much less cluttered than their current display.
A shipping box:
This would contain all items purchased online. One of the major issues JCP had was shipping online orders individually, rather than all together. With this box, we would be able to reduce the amount of packaging needed per order and reduce the risk of something getting lost in shipment.
A coupon:
This would come with the box to encourage online consumers to return and buy again by offering a discount either in stores or online.
Blue sky idea - Instagram ad:
This was conceptualized towards the end of our project but we were encouraged to include it. We came up with a small storyboard and script comparing other shipping packages to that of the one we designed for online orders, ensuring customers their purchased items would get to them safe and sound.
Presentation Board:
JCPenney Customer Journey Revision

JCPenney Customer Journey Revision
