T  A  I  W  A  N
This name tag was designed for use by the TAIWAN EDUCATION CENTER Japan for Japanese participants who attended an event in Taiwan.
The purpose of the event was to build awareness about Taiwanese culture through career education.

In creating the design, I wanted to incorporate a number of aspects of Taiwanese culture. That’s why I chose different historic, cultural, traditional and iconic symbol to represent each letter. Some of the ideas were inspired by my Taiwanese friend.

T is represented by Traditional Taiwanese Sandals

A - Traditional Taiwanese Handbag

I - Taipei 101

W - Taiwanese Lantern

A - Xiaolongbao

N - Mango

This mysterious design opened a conversation for the participants.
Thank you!


This name tag was designed for use by the TAIWAN EDUCATION CENTER Japan for Japanese participants who attended an event in Taiwan in August 2019. 자세히 보기
