How to Outline a Compare and Contrast Essay?

Writing a compare and contrast essay can be a challenging task, especially if it is your first time. Getting assigned such complicated papers leaves students stressed out and they start wondering whether there is someone who can help me write my essay free.
If you are going through a similar situation, there is nothing to worry about, as I have tried to make writing a compare and contrast essay as easy as possible.

The aim is to discuss the similarities and differences between two subjects belonging to the same category.

To make the writing process simple, a useful technique is to start with an outline. There are two different approaches used to write a compare and contrast essay – point by point method and the block method.

Point-by-Point Method Outline

A point-by-point method is suitable for subjects that have more things in common than differences. Here, you compare and contrast the two subjects against different criteria. For instance, comparing the price of the chicken burger in Shake Shack and the McDonalds.
State the criterion followed by a paragraph providing information according to these criteria.

Here’s what the outline should look like:

Introduction of the topic and thesis statement
The first point or criterion
Subject 1 with specific details
Subject 2 with specific details
Criterion n
Subject 1 with specific details
Subject 2 with specific details
Summary of the important points discussed
Block Method Outline
In case the subjects you are writing on have more differences than similarities, then stick to the block method.
Here, you present all the information you have on subject A, followed by the details of subject B.
Subject A
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail n
Subject B
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail n
Still not sure how to go about the essay? No need to panic as help is easily available online. Reach out to a reliable free essays writer and get the help that you need. 
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