After researching what a megastrucure is according to Superstudios I tried sketching out a few ideas on what it could look like on my iPad.
After learning perspective drawing in class for the first time I tried applying it to my designs in hand drawings, which I am not very familiar with. I chose to use perspective drawing to be able to give the viewer a clearer idea on the size of the megastructure because according to Sacconi (2016, p. 6) Superstudio’s megastructure is an architecture that could provide ’order and measure’ to the wild growth of the city. Through the use of grids made of large white or reflecting squares gave architecture the possibility to be seen on a planetary scale whereby nature and reason were directly confronted, where large structures could encompass massive amounts of area.
These sketches failed to meet my requirement of aesthetic no matter how long I spent on each of the sketches. The megastructures are made of large white or reflective grids. This gave me the idea to use photoshop in order to showcase the environment as well as the building. Megastructures are seen on a planetary scale, however it is impossible for me to be able to showcase this so I chose to collage on top of other people’s photos. To create the actual building within the photos, I used adobe illustrator and it’s perspective features. I have never used adobe illustrator before this project. 
To create perspective for the building textures I distorted a combination of images I had taken and those off the internet and blended them onto a base white layer I put onto the building.
Along with the megastructure being a planetary object, they are also meant to be incredibly long. Since creating a megastructure in which covers the majority of the page or is too futuristic in design such that it hovers directly over the city I chose for it to stretch. According to Elfline(2011, p. 66) Superstudios creates megastructure designs that take up as much area as possible. These structures stretch from one end of the earth to the next going through cities, seas, deserts and more. This type of architecture ‘parodies the pervasiveness of the Modern Movement’ whereby international and massive structures resembling each other such as skyscrapers are popping up all around the world almost looking the exact same 

According to Elfline(2011, p. 66) Superstudios creates megastructure designs that take up as much area as possible. These structures stretch from one end of the earth to the next going through cities, seas, deserts and more. This type of architecture ‘parodies the pervasiveness of the Modern Movement’ whereby international and massive structures resembling each other such as skyscrapers are popping up all around the world almost looking the exact same.

This final collage represents what the megastructures could be in the city

Elfine, R. 2011, 'Discotheques, Magazines and Plexiglas: Superstudio and the Architecture of Mass Culture', vol.5, no.1, pp. 59-75.

Sacconi, D. 2016, Savage architecture Gian Piero Frassinelli, Superstudio and 2A+P-A, Milano Black Square.


