What do you need to know about ESA?

Having an emotional support animal is different than having a service animal. A service animal is a specially trained dog or a miniature horse that performs a special task for its owner.

A service dog could steer the wheelchair, be a pair of eyes and ears for the blind and deaf person or someone who helps a person move around easily.
An emotional support animal is different and, unfortunately, having an emotional support dog letter is not enough to take them to your workplace. If you wish to take the animal with you, you have to speak to your boss and explain to him the reasons you want your ESA at the workplace.

If you get permission then congratulations and rest assured that your ESA dog or any other animal is going to benefit your office colleagues also.

They are Perfect Stress Busters

You know how your emotional support dog, cat or rabbit calms you down. This calming effect is equally beneficial for your colleagues. An office environment is quite stressful and employees often could not function properly because of this stress.
Having your ESA at the workplace will help you and your teammates stay stress-free and motivated.

They Promote Interaction

There would be some people in your office who do not interact with you much. Reasons could be several like being in different teams or simply being shy. Your ESA could be an effective icebreaker for this and we all know how good dogs especially are in bringing people closer and promoting interaction among them.

Things You Should Know as a Real Estate Professional

Your client has an emotional support animal and wants you to find suitable housing for it? This is could be really stressful and confusing for many real estate agents and landlords as well.

However, you must understand that there are a number of people who live with their ESAs and need suitable housing for it.
To get accommodation, all they need is an ESA letter for housing. If you want to understand the ins and outs of housing matters related to emotional support animals, then read on.

Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are not pets and this is why they can live in the ‘no pets’ housing facilities. These animals are a part of an emotional treatment and this is why pet rules do not apply to them.

To get an ESA, the owner must qualify for an ESA letter. This letter must be written by a licensed mental health practitioner and on its official letterhead and with its signature and other complete details.

To avoid any possible discrimination, you should not mention that the person has a disability and that they have an ESA. None of such kind of information needs to be added in the paperwork.



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