Peculiar: The Typeface
Type Generation
||​​​​​​​ Brief
Design a unique typeface for niche print publication, Peculiar Magazine.
|| What is Peculiar Magazine?
Peculiar is a magazine about all things strange, featuring unusually true stories and unbelievable oddities from
around the world that are every bit bizarre as they are inspiring. 
|| The Typeface
Peculiar is an uppercase display font inspired by the uniqueness of blackletter typefaces. At first glance, the typeface appears very sharp and angular, but curved edges add a softness that gives the typeface a distinctive look and feel. It is odd with prominent cuts in star letters such as S & R and descenders that drop past the baseline. These unique quirks reflect everything the magazine is about. 
|| The Magazine
Each issue of Peculiar Magazine comes with fun extras based on the theme, this issue based on friendship comes with a pocket
conversation starter book and postcards to send to a friend.
Peculiar Magazine

Peculiar Magazine
