Profil appartenant à Jang Cho

Dog Poop Project

Tired of people failing to clean up after their dogs, I created the Dog Poop Project as a funny-yet-sarcastic way to point out a problem with hopes that people would both smile and then take action.

Toilet Stencils
Stenciled the toilet sign around dog poop using a temporary chalk spray.

Found Flyers
When people call the number, they get a pre-recorded voicemail greeting.
When people email, they get an automatic reply. If they click the link in the email, it directs them to the Google Shopping page where they can buy dog waste bags.

Dog Poop Project in the Media

NBC New York/ March 15, 2013   |   Gothamist/ March 14, 2013   |   Modern Dog/ Summer, 2013

Queens Courier/ April 23, 2013   | March 15, 2013   |   New York Natives/ March 15, 2013


“Your sign made my morning. Thank you!” 
John Jenkinson via Email

“Hi I’m 12. I just think this is an amazing idea, ‘cause, I’d get out of school and there’s poop on the sidewalk. This is awesome, and It’s a really good idea. Thanks, bye.”
12-year-old Boy via Voicemail

“It may not change people’s behavior much, but it helps people relax and laugh instead of dwelling in anger, which is unhealthy.”
Rachel Ishiguro on Facebook

“Please, oh please come to Study Town/Peter Cooper.”
Anonymous via Tumblr Message

Dog Poop Project
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Dog Poop Project

Tired of people failing to clean up after their dogs, I created the Dog Poop Project as a funny-yet-sarcastic way to point out a problem with hop Lire la suite

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