Daniel Cunhas profil

The Bottle Cap Frame

The Bottle Cap Frame
Projeto pessoal que começou alguns meses atrás quando adquiri tampinhas suficientes para colocar no quadro.
Elas foram coladas com cola quente em uma moldura de madeira de 22 x 22 cm.

Personal project that started a few months ago when I bought enough caps to put on the board.
They were glued with 
hot melt adhesive to a 22 x 22 cm wooden frame.
WIP - Placing the bottle caps
Tools used
Waiting for the glue to solidify
Placing the frame
Testing to see if the glue is holding (it didn't in the first two times)
Frame on the wall
Final placement
The Bottle Cap Frame

The Bottle Cap Frame

Personal project involving bottle caps and a picture frame.


Kreativa områden