Ethel Fongs profil

Verismo System by Starbucks

Client: Starbuck's Verismo System
Communication Opportunity:
Increase awareness about the Verismo and how you can have it at home at your own convenience.

Creative Strategy:
Verismo gives you the experience of being able to take time to do the things you love while drinking the coffee you love. We want to give people a little personal, quiet space in this hectic world to relax with Verismo.

Target Audience
25-45 Working Professionals. Already loyal Starbucks consumers. Introverts or people who just need a conducive environment to work, the people who like to work from home.

Insight/ Tagline: Coffee time is Me time.
Print Ad. Can be extended to social media like Instagram where people stand a chance to win a Verismo machine when they upload images of how Verismo is there for them despite the chaos they face everyday.
Verismo System by Starbucks

Verismo System by Starbucks

Group Project for Verismo with Samantha Flagler
