Project Two: Motivating People to be Physically Active
“Today, about half (½) of all American adults--117 million people-- have one or more preventable chronic diseases” (Department of Health and Human Services)). 
I will be focusing on younger teenagers  (about 13-16is). The goal is to encourage teenagers to be physically active now because being physically active in your youth is important to promote lifelong wellness. It can prevent risk factors for conditions like obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Using this information I created the HABBIT program.
According to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), it is recommended that children and adolescents (ages 6-17) should be doing at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity a day. Less than 3 in 10 high school students meet that minimum. After sleep and school, the most time is spent on leisure, which includes TV and social media.
I started by creating 3 user personas ranging from most familiar to least familiar with physical activity. I decided to focus on Mara, my user least familiar with physical activity. 
Here I discuss the main incentive to the HABBIT program; the scrunchie.
Here I discuss the basic storyboard for my video where our main character, Mara, receives her introduction to the HABBIT program.
HABBIT is meant to appeal the teenage girls. The app encourages users to workout with friends by gaining more points if you scan your friends QR code. It encourages community because you are much more likely to follow through with a program if you have someone to hold you accountable, or an "acountabili-buddy". HABBIT is a program designed to encourage healthy "HABBITS" to carry through the rest of your life.



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