Ready When You Are: Inside the Mind of a Creator

Any creative person will understand the frustration of trying to take the crystal-clear vision you have in your head and translating it into something tangible so the rest of the world will see it too. 

I was sitting at my desk with my character concept art on the wall. I’ve been working on and writing for these characters for years but have never gotten around to finishing their story. I realized that I knew them so very well but to anyone outside my head they’re just... drawings, not the fully real people I see them as. I wanted to give people a glimpse at just who these people are to me and the process behind them.

This was a group project made for an Audio/Video class, with Tahera Gordon's cinematography and motion graphics and Alejandro Ardian's acting.
Ready When You Are: Inside the Mind of a Creator

Ready When You Are: Inside the Mind of a Creator

A look into the world the pages of a graphic novel hold.
