Take the temperature of sentiment

Allow companies to monitor consumer sentiment about products and services on online media and identify the key factors that are driving those feelings. Discover why customers feel the way they do, and how it is affecting business.

Assess sentiments towards the company, products and brands expressed on onlineformats such as product reviews, blogs and media discussions and on your socialnetwork setup by TaukTauk.

Analyze the reasons behind positive and negative sentiments.

Identify problems before they become wildfires.

Recommend specific action steps to help you increase positive sentiments and decreasenegative sentiments.

Assess the impact of sentiments on key business metrics such as sales, search for yourproducts and brands, visits to your website, time spent on your website and productrecommendations to potential customers

Tauk Metrik

Tauk Metrik

Allow companies to monitor consumer sentiment about products and services on online media and identify the key factors that are driving those fee Leer más
