Perfil de Megan Withers

Photoshop Text Tutorials

I wanted to share the results of some more text tutorials I did in photoshop. Many of them were for earlier versions of photoshop, as early as CS5 or CS4, and that added an extra challenge. However, by completing such old tutorials, I was able to better understand the software and how to find certain features. This helped me feel more confident about doing older photoshop tutorials and tutorials in general, so you all may be seeing these more in the future. 

This glossy glass effect looks really nice on bubbly backgrounds. The opacity brings out some of the brighter parts and makes it feel like part of the photo. This mostly involved gradients, opacities, and other blending options, with a small use of the smudge and eraser tools , as well as deleting selections from layers. Probably the hardest one out of all of these that I finished. 
The brushes and textures used in this were included with the tutorial. The dust effect makes it look so hyper realistic, and it all took around ten minuets to make. 
Not my favorite of the tutorials, as it doesn't look as realistic as some of these, but I always enjoy getting to use my neon sign font. 
I feel like the smoke effect came out wonderfully in this one. I used the smudge tool, some erasing, and the green channel out of a picture of smoke for the smoke texture rather than a smoke brush. I used a leather textured background to help it stand out a bit. 
This one was my favorite to make, as it is so easy to replicate, and can be made with any kind of fur pattern. It involves a simple mask and a custom brush, and seems to work best when done with bold san-serif text. 
This is the first that I completed out of these tutorials. I got the bulbs from a photograph of a chandelier, and the flare from a picture taken from space. The textured background ties it all together nicely. 
I loved the nice calm mood of the finished product here. This is just simple blending modes on text, and then turning the layer fill to zero. Great for textured backgrounds, like a rainy window pane. 
Photoshop Text Tutorials
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Photoshop Text Tutorials

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